Terms of Use, Privacy policy and cookies
1. General information.
- Danmar.eu website, called the „Website” further in this document, is property of „Towarzystwo Chemiczne DANMAR”, based in Łódź, 91-231, Nasienna 1, NIP: 729-146-11-51.
- By accessing this Website, you are stating that the terms of use and privacy policy are known to you and that you accept them.
- The Website gathers information about users and thier habits by the means of:
- voluntary supplied information in inquiry forms,
- cookie files saved on end-users?terminals,
- gathering of web-server log information.
- All trademarks, trade and company names included in danmar.eu are protected by law.
2. Terms of use.
- Copying, reproducing of texts, pictures and elements of danmar.eu web page, in whole or partial forms without prior written permission is forbidden. Any trademarks, names, identifications and all company-names protected by law, that are mentioned in these pages are used strictly for identification purposes.
- The contents of this Website may be used for private purposes only. Any other use of the contents of this Website, particularly for commercial purposes, including copying and public display or making it available to a third party in any other form, may take place only after prior, written allowance given by „Towarzystwo Chemiczne DANMAR” on the terms specified by „Towarzystwo Chemiczne DANMAR”.
- In order to acquire this allowance, one should apply at biuro@danmar.eu.
- Any use of the contents published on danmar.eu for purposes other than private use, including copying, replication, implementation in other publications in whole or partially, must be done in accordance with general press and copyright laws. „Towarzystwo Chemiczne DANMAR”. does not take responsibility for actions undertaken by users in reference to information contained on danmar.eu web page.
3. Contents of forms.
- The Website gathers information given voluntarily by users.
- Moreover, the Website may acquire and keep information about connection parameters (time signature and IP).
- The contents of forms are not conveyed to third parties without the user?s approval.
- Information provided in a form is processed only for the purposes indicated in the form, e.g. in order to handle an internet-order, business contact or subscriber's registration to a newsletter.
4. Cookie files information.
- The Website uses cookie files.
- Cookie files contain computer information, especially text files, stored in end user's device and are used for the purposes of accessing the pages of this Website. Cookie files usually contain the name of the web page of origin and storage time on the device as well as a unique identification number.
- The agent responsible for implementation of the cookie files on the end user's device and for accessing them is the Website's administrator.
- The cookie files are used for the following porposes:
- creating statistics, that help understand the behaviour of Website users on internet pages, which helps to improve their contents.
- processing the sessions of Website's Users.
- In the Website two types of cookie files are in use: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary cookie files that are stored on end-user's device for the period of session's duration or until the program's (browser's) termination. Persistent cookie files are stored on end user's device for a time span specified in the file's parameters, or until deletion by the User.
- Programs used for web browsing (web browsers) usually by default allow storage of cookie files on the User's device. Users may alter these parameters. Web browsers allow deletion of cookie files. It is also possible to automatically block cookie files. Precise information on this subject can be found in the help or documentation file of your web browser.
- Limitations in cookie file access may have influence on some functionalities on the Website's web pages.
- We advise reading Google Analytics Policies and privacy information in order to acquire information about cookie files used for Google Analytics statistic information.
- If the User does not wish to receive cookie files, he can alter the browser settings.
- Disabling cookie files necessary for processes of identification, security, preference settings may make internet browsing difficult or in extreme cases completely disable access to web pages.
5. Server logs.
- Information about some user activities is stored in server logs. This data is processed solely for the purposes of the Website's administration and for providing efficient hosting service.
- The browsed addresses are identified by URL addresses.
- Moreover information may be stored about: inquiry time, response time, client's http identification name, http transaction error messages, referer link information (in case of accessing the Website via another web page), user's browser information, users IP information.
- The above information is associated with individual users browsing web pages.
- The above information is used solely for the purposes of server administration.
6. Sharing information.
- Information that allows identification of an individual are not conveyed to third parties.
- Technical data used in Google Analytics are sent anonymously to Google servers in accordance to privacy protection policies of Google Analytics.

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